Matt Legg
2 min readFeb 26, 2021


What is “real life”?

“We have arrived in an age where beef is no longer beef and eggs are no longer truly eggs.” Masanobu Fukuoka

This quote refers to farming and how factory farming is degrading the food we eat. However this same idea can be applied too many aspects of life nowadays. Computers and technology continue to grow and advance making life easier in the process.

The more we rely on technology the more we remove ourselves from real life. Some people would argue because so many people use the internet for everything the internet is now the real world.

I think there is still value in human connection. Waking outside and not only seeing things but really experiencing life. The more we automate the less involved we become and we lose our touch of reality.

Reality only exists in the present moment. When machines do everything we separate ourselves from the action, thus separate ourselves from reality.

I understand avoiding technology all together is not realistic but that doesn’t mean we have to become slaves to the machines.

By observing and being mindful we can become an active participant in our lives. One way to do so is taking time everyday, especially in the morning, to unplug and think about what we are doing.

The more we remove ourselves from our action the farther we remove ourselves from reality. Being present in the moment and thinking about what we are saying and doing is the key to a happier and more fulfilling life because we are actually living and not just pushing buttons on a machine.



Matt Legg

I write about Life and my journey of self discovery. Hopefully it will help you too.