I dont want any fancy things

Matt Legg
1 min readMar 25, 2021

I often think about improving my life. There are endless articles and videos online about productivity and being the best you can be. Thats great, but what if I don’t want to be the best I can be?

I don’t care about success in the traditional sense of the word, (Big house, fancy car, prestigious career) so it doesn’t have value to me.

What I value is contribution.

That is part of the reason I am unhappy with where I am in life because I don’t feel like I am contributing enough. By being myself and not following the crowd, I can create and share more with the world because it will be natural and authentic.

Ive never really fit in to “normal life” and for the longest time I felt like I had to to be successful and have people take me seriously. Now that contribution is my main goal, the best thing for me to do is be real and share what I can.

Being comfortable with who we are and doing work that provides value is success.



Matt Legg

I write about Life and my journey of self discovery. Hopefully it will help you too.